Getting letters Opened; Real Estate Marketing Tip#14

by Karla

When sending out mailers use colored envelopes. I wasn't near a big box supply store so I purchased discounted holiday cards. Took out the cards and inserted my letters. I hand wrote the addresses and received my first listing appointment three days later. Homeowners will open regular envelopes before white business ones. Oh yeah I folded my letters they were not number ten envelopes. Happy prospecting!

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Getting Real Estate Letters Opened Revisited
by: Lanard

Hi Karla - sounds like a pretty effective technique. I'd sure like to know what the content of your letter was, whether it was a holiday greeting or a promotion of some kind?

Whatever it was it must have been pretty powerful stuff, and/or perhaps it was a reflection of you having the right message at the right time.

As you may know I encourage every agent to create a prospect database that they mail to on a regular least monthly. It's an effective way to create a stream of leads that can be converted first to prospects and then buyers or sellers.

Thanks for sharing this marketing strategy and please feel free to share another one if you like.

To Your Continued Real Estate Marketing Success!

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