Post Card for Expired Listing Listings

by Clint

Subject: Re: Farming Expired Listings: Real Estate and Marketing; Post Card for Expired Listing Listings

Thanks for the info Lanard. I have your expired listing course which lists using letters. Are postcards really better?

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Letters and Postcards Can Be Equally Effective, But For Different Reasons!
by: Lanard Perry

Hi Clint, The operative word in the message was "arguably." I like debating things and believe every word about the value of using postcards. However, with my expired listing system, I never used a single postcard. However, I've used them for other direct marketing campaigns with varying degrees of success.

Postcards have the unique advantage of your message being seen as soon as it's received, verses a letter that has to be opened. Still letters have the advantage of having more space to present your marketing message. Is one better than the other? I guess it depends on who you ask and what day of the week it is.

Would I stop using letters to market exclusively by postcards? No, that won't ever happen. I believe in multiple chgannels of sourcing for real estate leads; single property websites, postcards, letters, enewsletters, brochures, distributing business cards, etc.

Summarily, I encourage you to be the same way, so that if one lead generating channel isn't working well another might be.

How are you doing with the expired listing system? by: arofur-rahman
by: arofur

It is a nice post. It is also very beautiful. This post is truly innovative because it contains a lot of important information. It helps me a lot. I will love to visit it every day. Timber frame Homes

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