Ten Pack Pre-written Real Estate Articles -
Lot #3

PLR Real Estate Articles. erfect for blos, websites, newsletters, etc.

There's more to writing good Real Estate Article than just writing the article. 

You need attention grabbing headlines, engaging content and a powerful call to action like the ones found in this Sample Pack of Ten Pre-written Real Estate content articles.

Each is well written and ready for instant use. Total cost is less than $1.00 per article. 

Here's What's in This Ten Article Pack

  1. Choosing the Perfect Real Estate Agent Shouldn’t be as Hard as Choosing the Perfect House
  2. Closing Costs: What to Expect
  3. Everything but the Kitchen Sink: What Stays, What Goes, the Importance of a Contract
  4. FHA Loans: What are They and Do You Qualify
  5. Home Warranties: What are They and Do You Really Need One
  6. Interest Only Loans vs. Traditional Loans What is the Difference
  7. Loan Fraud: Don't be a Victim
  8. Mortgage vs. Deed Trust
  9. Property Disclosures: The Facts
  10. VA Loans: Facts that You Should Know 

Excerpt From Loan Fraud: Don't Be a Victim

Home loan frauds can be presented in many ways, ending in the same results, with somebody misrepresenting themselves and lying to you for the purpose of taking your home from you.

You can avoid being a victim of home loan fraud and the nightmares that follow by conforming to these simple rules:

1.  Be cautious of people representing themselves as lenders who call you up on the phone or who show up at your door uninvited.

These people will be very friendly and talkative and try their best to convince you how great and caring they are. Do not take the bait. 

2. Never sign a document that you don’t understand. Some fraudulent lenders will quickly go over a document, by summing up some of the details to save you the time of reading it yourself, or to move the process along more quickly.

If you don’t read or understand the document, consult with an attorney or other financial adviser of your choice to look over the document and to clarify any details.

Product Rights:
[YES] Can put on your website and/or blog
[YES] Can be edited completely and your name put on it
[YES] Can use to make marketing reports, flyers & brochures
[YES] Can sell
[YES] Can be given away

[NO] Can be added to paid membership sites
[NO] Can be offered through auction sites
[NO] Can be submitted to article directories
[NO] Can sell Master Resale Rights
[NO] Can sell Private Label Rights

Buy Now - $39

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That's it for now. Before you leave we hope you find something profitable to add to your rel estate marketing toolkit! Here's to your continued success!

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