Real Estate Buyer Lead Generation Idea:
Farm Buyers Without Listings! 

Real Estate Buyer Lead Generation

A Real Estate Buyer Lead Generation Strategy that stands out from others is farming buyers leveraging listings from other agents. In addition to being affordable, it's easy to implement and sustain, so even rookie agents can experience success using it. I can attest to the viability and profitability of this method, and it's a fun way to source new leads without facing much resistance. After trying it once, it quickly became my go-to strategy for quality real estate buyer leads. 

This Is an Easy To Implement Real Estate Buyer Lead Generation Strategy

Like many new agents, I stressed over how I could generate enough leads and sales to get me through my first year in the business.  I’d heard the statistics and knew that up to 86% of new real estate agents wash out in their first year! I didn’t want to be one of them, so I was thrilled when I stumbled upon this idea, which was a perfect match for my personality and preferred style of marketing.

Farming Buyers Without Listings Real Estate Buyer Lead Generation Is an Awesome Strategy! 

Here's how it goes...

Make a flyer or postcard that says something like...

Are you tired of Throwing Your Money Away on Rent?
Let Me Show You
How Easy It Is to Become a Homeowner!

Pay the Same or Less in Mortgage Payments
For More Information
Call 333-333-3333; or 
 Text 444-444-4444; or
email: “I’m Tired of Renting” 

Variation on The Theme 

If you don’t have any listings, have several from your MLS lined up to show when prospects respond to your advertisements. Still, even if you have your own, be prepared to show them others! Select ones that you feel good about showing—ones likely to appeal to a vast audience of potential buyers, have good curb appeal, and show well on the inside. 

Make a flyer or postcard that says something like...

Tired of Renting? 
Buy This 3 Bedrooms / 2 Bath Home - Great Location!

Pay the Same or Less as Rent  
 For More Information, Call 444-444-4444 or
Text 555-555-5555  
or email: “I’m Tired of Renting” to:

Make and Circulate Flyers For Impressive Real Estate Lead Generation Results!

 After you’re satisfied with how your messaging reads, make and print 200 sheets (8.5x11) with two ads per sheet. Next, cut them in half to have 400 flyers ready to circulate! Alternatively, you can print and mail postcards. 

Feel free to scale the number of flyers up or down to your liking, but because it’s relatively inexpensive to execute this idea, I recommend scaling up versus down. The more flyers you circulate, the more real estate buyer leads you’ll generate!

Circulate, distribute, and post them in places where large numbers of people gather or pass through: parking lots of malls, shopping centers, grocery stores, etc. Now that we're through the COVID-19 pandemic, you can include sports events, concerts, churches, parades, and the like. 

New Agents Love This Real Estate Buyer Lead Generation IdeaReal Estate Buyer Lead Generation

Post your flyers on Facebook and invite your friends to share and post them on theirs. Create an event on Facebook and invite your friends. The last time I executed this idea, I was limited to inviting 500 friends, but if you ask your friends to share it with their friends, your flyers could easily end up in the hands of thousands of people per distribution. 

Finally, place ads to drive a response to your flyers; Facebook and Craigslist would be the two places I start… If done right, you might be able to get your ad posted on Craigslist for free.

Build a Mailing List 

All Real Estate Lead Generation Strategies should include a call to action to generate a call, text, or email inquiry. This idea includes all three and is designed to attract buyers to your lead generation pipeline for future marketing communications.

Only some people who respond will initially be qualified, able, or interested enough to buy a home when they respond.  However, you’ll obtain all you need to continue sending marketing messages to them that inform, educate, and develop an appreciation of and trust in you. And when they do become financially able or ready to buy a home, you may be at the top of their minds!

Start Today!

If you already have a computer, printer, and paper, you can print and distribute several hundred flyers for circulation this weekend, and it won't cost you a dime! They don’t have to be glitzy or expensively done to get started. More important than what they look like is that you get started – period!

What To Expect!

Results will vary, but we can anticipate that it could be in the range of 2 – 4 leads per 100 flyers you circulate! I'm always happy with that kind of return rate!  How about you?

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