by Lanard Perry
One of the most underutilized strategies of rookie and veteran agents involves business cards. Specifically, they don't give enough away. I've known newly licensed agents to order their first box of five hundred cards and have nearly all of them a year later.
They didn't get the memo! Real Estate Business Cards can be an effective marketing tool, but only if you put them into prospects' hands. Following are some basic strategies.
1. Give as many away as you can...every day. If you're not putting them in the hands of live people, you should be leaving them everywhere you go; on grocery checkout counters, in your doctor's office waiting room, on the countertop when you pick up your clothes from the dry cleaners, etc.
2. Strive to give away 4,000 or so cards every year. That breaks down into a manageable 10-15 cards a day. You can do it...I know you can!
Real Estate Prospecting is all about creating lead generation systems...and giving away business cards is a relatively passive, easy, and inexpensive way to expand your marketing reach.
So, you can keep your business cards in the box where they are now or put them to work for you by giving away as many as you can.
Ready to boost your real estate marketing success? Then start giving away more of your business cards...starting today!