Sequential Autoresponders 
- More Leads, More Money

sequential autoresponders

Realtors need to be faster to embrace Sequential Autoresponders, as those using them are separating themselves big time from agents who insist on using dated, offline marketing methods in a now high-paced Internet-driven business.

A Testimony About the Effectiveness
of Autoresponders - Mine!

new business

In October 2004, I went live and online with my Farming Expired Listings Website. And like many new ventures, leads were few and far between in the early days.  

Fast forward three years later, and after I started using autoresponders, I amassed more than 3,400 subscribers and used them to provide real estate marketing products and information to help them generate more leads and sales. And while our target audiences differ, autoresponders can also help you grow your business.         Return to Top

So, What Are Autoresponders


Autoresponders are software scripts that automatically respond to email messages sent to a designated email address. While this may sound complicated, you'll be right on point if you think of them like the "Out of Office" messages used in most businesses. Autoresponders respond to all incoming messages; 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year.       Return to Top 

Are Sequential Autoresponders Different Than Autoresponders?

same but different

Autoresponders and sequential autoresponders are essentially the same, with the difference being sequential autoresponders provide continuous, ongoing messages in response to the message that triggered it versus a single reply. Consequently, they are perfect for delivering home buying and selling information to people interested in buying and selling real estate or any other product and service.      Return to Top    

Why You Should Use Autoresponders

real estate leads - motivate and inspire

On average, marketing experts say it takes up to seven contacts with leads and prospects before they will do business with someone.  And there is no better way to provide individualized messages targeting their unique interests than via sequential autoresponders. 

Let’s say you want to specialize in converting FSBOs to new listings. You can buy or create special reports to offer them that can help them continue trying to sell on their own while positioning yourself as an expert who can help them when they decide to list with a realtor, which more than 80% of them end up doing.       Return to Top

Sequential Autoresponders are
Powerful Lead Generation Tools

powerup your marketing 3d cover

A Real Estate Lead Follow-Up System is critical in today's market. Because sales are usually a long-term process, it's essential to have routine contact with prospects and establish relationships with them, and that's where sequential autoresponders and drip mail campaigns come in. Combined, they deliver email messages at predetermined times that are 100% controlled and scheduled by you. 

But to be effective, you need people (prospects, leads, and customers) to send messages to, not just for now but also for the foreseeable future.  And those leads need to have shown a demonstrated interest in hearing from you and are sustainable and recurring. And there's no better way to meet these elements than via autoresponder messaging.      Return to Top    

Start Building and Growing a List!
Here Are Ways to Do It!

yes subscribe me

Amazingly enough, real estate leads are plentiful and easy to find. And when you encounter them, the first order of business should be capturing their contact for repeat marketing. This is what list building is about! The more leads you capture, the more extensive your list, and the bigger your list, the more people you can transition from casual but interested prospects to people who buy, list, and sell! Following are three ways to grow and expand yours.     

1. Advertise To Renters!
Run an ad saying something like

Renters! Why are you renting when you can buy for nearly the same money? Email tiredofrenting@yourautoresponder for a
 FREE 7-Part Report showing how easy it is.

Then, place the reports in the autoresponder and watch it collect the names of hundreds of tenants tired of renting. 

2. Advertising To Buyers!
Run an ad saying something like

3/2 in a Great Neighborhood, 2 Car Garage, Fireplace
Email greathomes@yourautoresponder For More Information
Several to choose from.

Place descriptions of the properties in the autoresponder (one property per email message) and let it start filling up your lead pipeline.

3. Market Expired Listings & FSBOS That Didn't Sell!
Run an ad saying something like

Frustrated Because Your Home Didn’t Sell?
Find Out Why and Then Do Something About it!
Email expiredlistings@yourautoresponder for 
Special Seven-Part Report on “Why Great Homes Don’t Sell

Place one report per email message, and let it start collecting lead names and email addresses. If you need Real Estate Marketing Reports, you can get some here!      Return to Top    


Sequential autoresponders can help you convert subscribers to paying customers as renters, buyers, sellers, and investors! Still, fewer agents than you might think use them as the premier business building and lead generation tools they are. And finally, they will help you save time, gather and organize many leads, and make more deals than you are currently closing.      Return to Top

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