Effective Web Design For Real Estate

Is there a single most best web design for real estate marketing? Fortunately, the answer is no!

web design for real estate

However, there are some things that you must absolutely avoid. For example, the cute HTML trick that makes your copy blink is one of them. Look up "annoying" in the dictionary and you're likely to find it there.

Contrary to popular notions that blinking copy attracts viewer attention, blinking and other flashy stuff actually distracts viewers from the real purpose of the website page. If you Google "top 100 web sites" you'll be hard pressed to find more than a few with blinking or flashing copy.

Banners are another "no no". Sure, they look cool, but there is a growing body of evidence that shows they are mostly ignored by viewers. Again, you won't find many of them used on the top 100 web sites, unless they're super established and attract tens of thousands of visitors a day.

And now that I've suggested what not to do let me tell you one thing that you absolutely must do and that is to have plenty of real estate web site content . Viewers want information, so give it to them...and the more content you offer the more leads your website will generate

Web Design For Real Estate Agents -
Content Matters

An effective real estate website contains lots of content; real estate articles, marketing reports, calculators, amortization schedules and the like.

And when you provide search engines and visitors with lots of good, useful content you increase your chances of the search engines and human visitors finding you in the search results.

Some agents write their own web site copy, but if we're honest about it not everybody is a good writer. While they may be super salespeople they aren’t necessarily good at writing compelling sales copy. Consequently, many of them use prewritten content to add substance to their sites.

But no matter how you generate it, writing it yourself or buying it, effective web content positions you as an authority on your subject. Plus, it’ll go a long way in establishing yourself as a resource for other webmasters wanting to link to your site and/or partner with you to joint venture special projects.

Information is an excellent way to show your visitors that you have something worthwhile sharing with them and when you consistently provide quality, useful information they'll keep coming back and recommend your site to others.

So, if you only do one thing to improve your website estate add more real estate web site content – and lots of it.

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Summarily, and in closing, not everybody can design and create a web site that will meet your needs; but if you stay focused on a design that's in your better business interest verses something fashionable you can do well.

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