Email Marketing - Automate and Broadcast

Email Marketing can help you generate leads like few other things you can do. If you've been selling real estate for a while you know that the secret to success is generating leads and at least one way to have a constant, renewable source is to advertise for them.

email marketing

With Email Marketing you can broadcast your marketing messages 24/7 - almost completely automated; and once you develop one campaign you can duplicate it and run many campaigns and create multiple streams of leads. And it is made all the easier to do with Private Label Rights Real Estate Marketing Article Reports, which are readily available for immediate download and use.

Adapt To A New Mindset

Many agents assume that they need to have have listings to advertise them, but it's not true. In fact, it's just as easy to generate leads advertising other agents listings as if they're your own.

You're probably thinking I was knocked in the head, but I assure I wasn't. Think about it for a second... do you think agents in your office would be upset with you for advertising their listings?

Probably not. In fact, they might be downright giddy about it, while thinking you're a fool for wanting to do it, because they know that the more exposure their listings get the more likely they are to sell them.

And most importantly why would they be upset about you spending your money to sell their listings.  So, they probably won't care one teeny tiny bit, but it's still makes for good good will to ask for permission.

But the upside for you is huge. You get to drive prospects to your contact list for future, repeat messages until you convert them to listing or selling clients... even without listings of your own.

Examples Of How To Do It

A primary objective of  email marketing is to have people request information from you. In exchange you get their email address and other contact information for future contact and followup. Here's an example of how that might work.

Advertise the following....

3 Bedroom House
Best Value In West End Subdivision
Won't Last Long
Email For Full Details Before It's Gone

Of course you're not limited to advertising in newspapers. You can make and distribute flyers; emailing, mailing, posting them on bulletin boards and on counters and tables in places you visit during the run of a day (business offices, stores, dry cleaners, etc.).  Additionally, you can post on social media sites (Facebook, Pinterest, and the like).

A variation of these ideas is to gather names and email addresses of renters in your community who might be interested in buying their first home.You could do it by

Advertising the following...

Own a Home for The Same as Rent
Email To Get A Copy

Now the point of both examples is to build a list of prospects that you can create relationships with that lead to sales and not to sell them anything during your first contact with them.

I'm sure this isn't what you want to hear, but you need to understand that a vast majority of home lookers aren't compulsive buyers when it comes to purchasing real estate. It's much too big of an investment for that.

Instead, they typically labor over the process for months, sometimes years. So, it's unrealistic to think you can change that and persuade  them to buy a home from you just because you want them to...especially if you just met them.

On the other hand if you establish a relationship with them it is entirely reasonable to expect to buy go through you when they are ready to buy. That's the power of email marketing.

Once you have names and email addresses of prospects you are ready to take the next step, which is converting them into paying customers. In fact, you'll be able to provide useful information and follow-up for as long as it takes to transact a deal with them - and with precision like efficiency.

Who knows, pretty soon you could be in the enviable position of having folk on your list buying and selling through you, one by one, and all because you recognized the basic principal of selling - which is building relationships.

Here's To Your Prospecting Success!

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